Monday, September 3, 2007

Boring Weekend, Send Some Love

I have to admit that this weekend was boring and lonely. Both -Saturday and Sunday I spent in the apartment, watching The West Wing on my computer. Needless to say, this was not in my plan. I had planned to go out dancing with Melissa on Saturday night, but we were going with two Ecuadorian guys she met, and they decided that they wanted to go to a party instead, which I was not at all interested in. Thus, I stayed home. Sunday, I'd hoped to go out with Alison or Melissa, but both ended up being busy for most of the day. Therefore, I stayed at home. On Saturday, my madre and Anita both left without telling me where they were going or when they'd be back, so I was alone until the evening. Sunday, my madre had all of her family over, and didn't introduce me to anyone. I ended up retiring to my room to stay out of the way. To say that I felt a little overlooked would be an understatement.

Last night I ended up calling home, and me and my parents talked for forty or so minutes. The times when I feel lonliest are those when I feel out of touch from everyone else. When I'm not busy. When I can't use the internet. But being able to call home or be called from home makes me feel much better. My parents are my lifesavers in these lonely times. We ended up talking about their visit at the end of my program, and we realized that it would make a lot more sense for them to come after I've spent my two extra weeks traveling. I'll just change my plane ticket and we'll spend some time together in Ecuador. I've actually been thinking a lot about how great that's going to be. And how great it'll be to see them, and share Ecuador with them.

Now, I skipped over Friday night because it was the one night I ended up going out. Me, Melissa, Elana, and Phuong went over to Matt's house and watched an excellent movie in Spanish. It was called "Una Pelicula de Huevos," or "A Movie About Eggs." It was fantastic. It was a cartoon following the life of an egg who didn't want to be eaten, but wanted to be a great Chicken. It was really funny, and quite wonderful. I would recommend it to anyone, whether you know Spanish or not.

After the movie, we took a cab home. And talk about creepy cab drivers...I was the last one to be dropped off, and he had started asking us questions before the second to last girl left. It's pretty creepy to have some guy driving you TO YOUR HOUSE ask you about yourself and ask you your name. Man, he was a creep. And he overcharged us because he didn't have a meter. Boooo.

But it was a fun night. And I know at least that this weekend I'll be busy. This weekend is our trip to Otavalo. It'll be muy chevere.

Oh, and one last thing. Today is my parent's 25th Wedding Anniversary. And I have to say that without their love and support, I wouldn't be able to live a continent away for such a long time. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and if that's true, mine is going to burst. I have such a loving family, and such fantastic friends. I hope you all are well, and I hope you feel as loved as I do. I grew up with so much love in my life. I'm very fortunate.

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

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