Tuesday, September 4, 2007

To Call Europe

So, I did my laundry last night/this morning. It's not that exciting except for one of my favorite lost in translation moments. I walked into the kitchen and said "Necesito lavar mis ropa." ("I need to wash my clothes.") To which my madre responded, "Well you can't do it here. Do you have an express card?" And I was like, what? We have a washing machine right there! Eventually I realized that she thought I'd asked to "llamar Europa" ("Call Europe.") I corrected her and we laughed. A lot.

This moring, I had to hang up all my clothes on our clothes line. It's sequestered upstairs on the roof. There are a ton of caged off areas in which people hang their various belongings to dry. You have to use two keys to get into your own cage: one to unlock the door to the roof, and one to unlock your cage's padlock. I spent a good twenty minutes hanging up clothes. I hope they dry fast. I ran out of my jeans pretty quickly. I basically have washed all my dark clothes, which is most of what I brought. I can't wait to see how they feel/smell when they come back. Hopefully, it won't rain.
That was the exciting thing for today. I'm have four classes on Tuesdays, Acuarela (watercolor), Conversacion Avanzada (Advanced Spanish Conversation), Seminario de los Galapagos, and Politicas Ecuatoriana y Su Pensamiento (Ecuatorian Political Thought). Thus far, Acuarela seems fun, Spanish is hard, but relaxing (except we have to learn about a thousand vocab words every day), my poli sci class is more like an anthropology class (which isn't want I wanted) and I haven't had my seminar. The seminar is required for all K students, and it sucks majorly. We have two different seminars, and they're scheduled at two separate time blocks, so we have to schedule around them, which is realllllly though. By the time we found out about our semniars, all the classes were full, so we've been getting last pick. It stinks.

I was taking screenwriting, but when the professor didn't show up for class yesterday, either (the second class), I decided to get out of it. If the professor won't give us his time, I don't want to take the class. Instead, I think I'm going to take Geology, mostly because it has trips to interesting places. Or, I might switch my Spanish class and take Volcanology. Either way...

So that's the news. Consider yourself up to date.

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