Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oh goodness. All that's going on!

So a lot is going on right now. I finished a week of working more than ten hours (30 to be exact), and am going back to having time off. I seriously have this entire weekend off. From Friday to Sunday. No work. Woah. Awesome. I'm loving my job. Amanda and I have become great friends because she makes me laugh, and I'm apparently ridiculous. Diana and I have also become pretty good friends. We spent nine hours together on Monday (ay, dios mio!), but we have some measure of affection for each other now. We were preparing for a management visit and it was crazy at the store. We had shipment, and a thousand needy women in and out. Holy cow. But we managed. And we talked about Harry Potter.

Speaking of dear Harry, we're down to the last few days! Who's excited? I'm about to die, really. I'm running around all over the place talking about Harry Potter and making my game plan for the night of. Katie, David and I are all showing up at Borders at 8:30AM (it doesn't open until 9) to get our wristbands for places in line. My plan is to loiter around the front of the Borders from 11:00PM onward so I get a great place near the very front of the first fifty people. I'm also sealing my ears off so I don't hear any spoilers from people who've already read a leaked internet copy. Jerks. You ruin the magic!

Also speaking of Harry Potter, Julia and I got to see each other this weekend and squeee over the movie and upcoming book in person. It was wonderful except that she brought this jerk friend of her's, Tom, with us. She didn't realize he was such a jerk until that night. He was just a huge huge jerkface. He annoyed the crap outta me. But getting to see Julia outweighed it all. It was fantastic. I might be able to see her this weekend, too, which would be capital.

Speaking of capital, I'm Excited for Ecuador (with capital Es). Basically, I'm dying nervous as well. About tons of things. Today is the month away mark. I need to make lists. Lists of everything I need to get done/read. Lists of everything I need to pack. Lists of everyone I need to buy for. Lists of everyone I need to regularly email, etc. I'm dying. It's going to be a marathon to get there. I'm so glad I'm not leaving next week, or something. But still. Woah. It's too close. But at the same time, I can't wait. It's so close!

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