Sunday, July 1, 2007

New Month

So, this week has been both tiring and strange. I sorta don't know how it passed so quickly. I worked only on Thursday, Friday, and today, so what was I doing the rest of the time? I guess I was recovering from the wisdom teeth and eating bad for me food. And reading Harry Potter. Yeah. That's been my life.

My teeth are doing better. I've had some pain in the one that was impacted, but now I'm good. I'm eating most solid foods. Just avoiding chips like my life depends on it.

I got paid yesterday. I'm only going to make like $80 a week this summer. And I'm really nervous about what that means for paying for school. But I like that I get the time to relax. And I like my job. The people are nice. And it's kinda hard to mess this up. So I'm having fun. I also got 41% off this weekend, so I bought some really cute clothes. And just in time, too. Because the polka dot shirt I really wanted (which I bought on Thursday) was gone by the time I worked on Friday. I work all day tomorrow. It should be fun. Although I don't love the manager I'm working with...she's really nice, but sorta complains when she's asked to do stuff, even by customers! I worked with Amanda, the woman who hired me, on Thursday and Friday, and we just have fun. I love her. And Keena, the assistant manager, is fun because she doesn't give a shit, so we just hang out.

Now I've finished the last two Harry Potters in time for the movie/book releases this month. Who's excited?! I'm going to die when they come out. Even the movie. Aww man. Only 10 days until the movie, and only twenty till the book!!!

I need to start studying Spanish. And I need to see some friends. I haven't seen anyone yet. Mostly because everyone is living in other cities for the summer. But I keep realizing people are still in Chelsea. Like Athena. How could I forget Athena is still around? I should call Liisa and Carolyn and Mikaelyn, too. They might be around.

Um. K. I can't think of anything else to write. I'm kinda lonely, but not. It's a weird feeling. Like I'm happy to just hang out with my family when we can, and spend the rest of the time by myself. I feel like I've changed a lot this past year. In a weird way. I mean, at Christmastime I couldn't have handled having a job. Now, I'm Heck yeah. I love the Avenue. And last year this time I would be feeling very low and depressed because I'd feel like I have no friends. But I know I have friends. They're just not here. And that's okay. We're all adults. I don't have to be all needy and have to see them to be friends with them.

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